Saturday, June 14, 2008

Realistic cure prospects for common diseases


The following informations are indebted to my teachers -under whom I learned the Orthopedic speciality

Dr. Sreekandan Nair, M.D.(Ayu) Ph. 0471 - 2465644 / 2460557, HOD of Shalya Tantra department,
Dr. Sivakumar C.S. M.D. ( Ayu) Ph. 9447389253, Reader, Dept. of Shalya Tantra, Govt. Ayurveda College Hospital, Trivandrum.

Its a common trend in any society to have medical problems related to orthopedics and sports injuries. Even though not life threatening in nature , the injuries induced lead to considerable morbidity and disability to the people affects their morale .
Many of them are subjected to office works instead of real active field duties thus causing loss to the functional capabilities of the organisations they serve.

Many are left out with residual injuries which severly effect their carieer.

The following conditions are applicable to most people

1. Simple fractures, joint injuries without fracture –

70 -90 % of cure is possible

Special bandages soaked in Murivenna for 3 weeks duration is very effective. The average time period for effective cure are mentioned below

Ankle joint ligament injury – 2 weeks

Knee joint medial and lateral collateral ligament -1month

Shoulder joint dislocation and injuries -3 weeks

2. Fractures needing operative reductions with nail, screw or plate.

If they can continue in active duty, the injuries would be manageable and Ayurvedic treatment methodologies of taila dhara,maatravasthi, kativasthi etc.

are found to have much remarkable results than mere physiotherapy . Flexibilty is attained and so is the neuro muscular strength.

Duration - one month of therapies with sufficient rest and internal medications

In severe case that would necessitate termination from service, therapies with duration of 1-3 months wil be required.

3. Head injury resulting to Quadriplegia ,Hemiplegia.

Generally 3 months duration is required and is found to have much better results than physiotherapy.

4. Tendon and ligament injuries

Related to - shoulder, elbow ,wrist, knee, ankle

Minimum one month is required .

This is the better option compared to the usage of steroids which do not promote regeneration of the injured tissues.

5. Osteoarthrosis of spine, knee ,ankle secondary to injury or fracture

Treatments and medications over a span of 3 weeks and medications for another 3-4 months yield about 95 % cure in such patients.

Further degeneration to the joints is surely arrested and enhanced mobility and power to the joints is attained.

6. Meniscus injury second degree – is curable

7. Patellar fracture – One and half months

8. Joint stiffness in the joints with nails implanted in open reduction
responds very much better with increased mobility in 2 -3 weeks duration itself.

9. Ribcage fracture – in the absence of any thoracic cavity injury – ie. fracture with hematoma

Ayurveda has a better management , cure in a span of 3- 6 weeks

10. Fistula – in –ano

Kshara sootra is the ultimate sure shot treatment modality that has complete cure depending upon the chronicity and extent of the fistula.

15 cms long fistula tract - 3 to 6 months required for total cure.

5 cms long fistula tract – 1month required for total cure.

11. Dislocation of joints

Ayurvedic management aims at analgesics and joint stability bandages for 3 weeks and specialized massage techniques .

It has been found that various modern medicine doctors regularly refer such cases to the Govt. OPD for obvious reasons.

There is greater strength and stability gain in the joints with bandages and application of herbal pastes.

These techniques and medications were and still are used in the martial arts tradition of Kerala.

12. Wedge compression fracture of thoracic vertebra - that does not require operative reduction.
Bandage and rest and medications for 4 -8 weeks ensures greater flexibility.


The following informations are indebted to the best Ayurvedic opthalmologist in Kerala

Dr P K Santakumari , M.D ( Ayu),
Head of the Department – Shalakya Tantra,
Govt . Ayurveda College , Trivandrum
Ph : 0471 - 2731352, 9387734578

and also to my friend

Dr. Jomon Joseph Daniel, PG Scholar
Govt. Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram
Ph : 9446993260

The stress nature of office type jobs are finding its place in any organization . Long hours spent in front of the computer systems, computer vision syndrome etc are finding its place among many individuals.

Eye healthcare is an important arena that can be earmarked for preventive and curative aspects.

Ophthalmology physicians of Kerala Ayurveda have developed their own special medicines and treatment methodologies regarding the preventive and curative healthcare of most of the disorders of eye.

Dr. Santakumari is the most sought after ophthalmology specialist in the Ayurveda circles of Kerala with about three decades of experience in ophthalmology practice.

The following clinical conditions are just few of the cases that regularly come across in her clinical experience in the Ayurveda college hospitals of Kerala.

1. Sinusitis- acute phase-

Nasal drops of special herbs relieve the pain and congestion within one to 3 hours.

2. Migraine

Application of "talam" – medicated oil or paste over bregma ensures quick pain relief in 15 -30 minutes.

3. Acute management of cerebral hemorrhage – not possible.

4. Management of arterial block – not possible.

5. Residual impact of the above two conditions – possible.

6. Acute congestive glaucoma –

Immediate pain relief by leech application .This ensures the results as good as an injection.

7. Eyestrain

Sekam and talam makes it possible to provide relief with in hours.

8. Corneal abrasion

Due to foreign body, severe burns , trauma – poor prognosis.

Durva ghritham is found very effective for topical application.

9. Corneal ulcers – shata shuklam

Symptomatic relief is very much possible the same day, for healing5 to 20 days are required depending upon the intensity of lesion.

Corneal opacity that is mild – curable by Ayurveda.

It’s a regular experience that by Ayurvedic treatments of topical application and internal medications in a corneal ulcer, chances of opacity become very minimal.

Corneal ulcer secondary to infection – poor prognosis - Ayurvedic measures do not help.

Corneal opacity that is dense – poor prognosis – Ayurveda can not manage.

10. Stye – anjana pitaka

Parasurgical measure like I &D.

11. Blepharitis -pillam

Total cure in 7 days time. For some patients there are chances of recurrence.

12. Follicular conjunctivitis- sikatha varthmam

Ayurvedic management ensures very less chances of recurrence.

Immediate response to the treatment done.

13. Conjuctival infections – uthklishtam,kardama varthmam

Response time 5- 15 days by sekam ,ashchotanam etc.

14. Madrosis –pakshma shatam

Leeching followed by anjanam.

15. Ptosis , Blepherospasm – vatha hatam

Ayurveda is the best choice as there are no side effects like steroids.

Needs course of treatment for a month.

16. Pterigyium – armam

Surgery the best option.

It is possible to avoid the recurrence with the help of special Anjanas for two months duration that are very effectively employed in treatments.

17. Scleritis , Episcleritis

Modern medicine has better management.

18. Dry Eye

A very common ever increasing ailment .

Unlike the modern medicine’s artificial eye drops that have side effects in the long run, Ayurvedic approach is more on the systemic lines and offer better results.

Course of treatment of 3 weeks each twice a year is required for substantial cure.

19. Blood vessels spreading like in the cornea – sirashuklam

Intensity of the condition can be surely reduced by jalooka / leech therapy.

20. Cataract

Ayurveda is helpful in very early stage but practically not much patients would be available for such a follow up.

Modern medicine has a better role in this.

21. Macular oedema

In 3 weeks of duration of treatments appreciatble level of cure is achieved and further recurrences can surely be reduced.

22. Retinal hemorrhage

This condition can be arrested by 15 - 45 days of treatment.

23. Diabetic retinopathy

Ayurveda treatments are found to be better in Background affected retinopathy.

Similar is the matter with hemorrhage, leakage ,exudates – these three can be arrested much better by Ayurveda.

Proliferative retinopaty - poor prognosis in Ayurveda.

24. Glaucoma

Signs and symptoms can be surely controlled and the clinical entity maintained with out problems for a long period.

Closed angle glaucoma – nothing can be done by any means.

25. Retinal detachment

Partial detachment is well responding to Ayurvedic treatments of one month with medicines as follow up.

Total detachment – impossible by Ayurveda .

Its note worthy that selection of head oil is very important regarding diseases of the eye.

26. Degenerative diseases.

These are the areas in which modern science has nothing significant to offer but Ayurveda can surely enhance the quality of life .

27. Macular degeneration –

Ayurvedic management is found to have much better positive impact on the prognosis of the disease.

28. Retinitis Pigmentosa

Further degeneration can be surely arrested whereas the previous damaged cells cannot be regenerated. Enormous importance is attached to food & life style for palliative care of the desease.

OPHTHAlMOLOGY & ENT - Practice in Kerala Ayurveda


Dr. Jomon Joseph Daniel,

1. External hordeolum or stye - Anjana pitaka

An easily treatable condition and responds well within a few days treatment. In recurring cases, deworming, refractive error correction – if any, may be needed.

2. Chalazion - Laganam

Very good prognosis. Treatable through internal medications and a minor surgical procedure as explained in Ayurvedic classics.

3. Episcleritis and scleritis

The different stages of this disease are beautifully explained in Ayurvedic classical texts and are entitled as separate diseases as sirolpatha, siraharsha, sirajala – all of which are curable with 1 – 2 months of treatment.

4. Sub conjunctival haemorrhage - Arjunam

Can be cured within 5 to 10 days. Installation of a special eye drops is described in this context.

5. Pterigyon - Armam

Surgical and post surgical management are well explained and is now practiced in Ayurveda colleges. Recurrence rate in very low.

6. Different stages of cataract.

Explained as thimiram, Kachams, linganasam. Duration of medication depends on the stage and chronicity of the disease. Modern surgery is the best option in chronic cases.

7. Conjunctivitis - Amloshitha

Easily curable with local and internal medications with in a few days.

8. Pan ophthalmitis - Akshipakathyayam

Vision may not be always preserved by treatment. But complications that lead to evisceration or dissemination of infection can be very well managed / prevented.

9. Deafness - Badirathwam

Treatment methods, duration and prognosis depends on the cause, duration etc.

10. Tinnitus - Karnanadam

Curable with local and internal medication.

11. Suppurative otitis conditions

Poothikarnam, Karnapakam

Very good result yielding conditions. Ayurvedic treatment procedures are found to activate healing of membrane rupture rapidly and conditions were gromet insertion was advised have responded very well.

12. Conditions of wax impaction and its complications - Karnaprathinaham

Easily curable within 2 weeks (maximum).

13. Allergic / vasomotor rhinorrhoea - Brisa Kshavarogam

Some times responds immediately but usually needs a long duration treatment of two months for complete results.

14. Chronic / hypertrophic rhinitis - Dustha prathi syayam

A treatable condition, needs long duration management of at least six weeks.

15. Nasal polyp - Nasarsas

Responds very well to local drug application / minor surgical procedures.

16. Stomatitis - Mukhapakam

A very easily treatable condition. But in chronic and recurrent cases there is need to rule out some underlying pathology and can be treated for it. Usually responds well within 1- 2 months treatment.

17. Trigeminal neuralgia - Anantavatam

A tough prognosis disease to be brought under control. Curable but recurrence rate is quite high.

18. Migraine / Vascular headache - Sooryavartham

Usually not completely curable, but can be managed well and can reduce the recurrence rate. Some physicians opine its curable & recurrence is rare for many patients.

19. Various forms of headaches (tension headache etc) Vathika, Paithika and kaphaja sirasoola etc.

Treatment depends mainly on the causative / provocative factors and clinical features. Success rate is high.

20. Alopecia areata - Indraluptha

Yields very good results. Hair growth is regained within 20 – 35 days.

21. Tonsilitis - Thundikeri

Curable in the initial as well as chronic stages.

22. Dental caries

In Ayurvedic texts, the different stages of this are explained as separate diseases and the initial stages as Seethadanta, danta harsha etc – if managed at this stage, further progress can be arrested.
But the last stage is Krimidantha & has to be extracted.

23. Myopia

Clinical features and treatment are explained in the context of drishti rogas. Even myopias with high refractive errors respond well to internal medications, local treatment procedures, eye exercises etc.

Some may need repeated treatment schedules at intervals of six months.

24. Opthalmia neonatorum - Kukoonakam

Effective treatment options against local / systemic steroid therapy which has widespread immediate and late complications are explained in Ayurvedic classics.


Unknown said...

Any one can give ayurveda treatment Address for retina detachment (partial)

Arun said...

Hey good work with the blog, I also have some problem with little finger of my right hand, its getting numb day by day, due to flexor tendon injury, doctors say that u need to undergo a operation but that doesn't guarantee that my finger will be fine, I'm very much scared pls help me bro.

Aantmanam said...

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