Ayurveda is a science - medical aspects of human life are the major components of it.
Ayurveda in Kerala, as in the rest of India, originated over 5000 years ago. The Rig Veda,
the ancient book of wisdom specifically mentions the existence, acceptance and practice of Ayurveda treatments like the rejuvenation treatments, yoga therapy and panchakarma treatments in ancient India. The rulers of the day provided every support for popularizing these ayurveda treatments.
Ayurveda is a science of life that calls on every individual to live in perfect harmony with his natural environment. It is a holistic system that states that health of an individual is based on a perfect balance of three doshas, called the Tridoshas i.e. Vatta, Pita and Kapha. These doshas are nothing but generalisation of the different functions of the body so that the entire biological functions can be summarised into 3 broad categories. This theory has stood the test of time and still draws people around the world to India or be more specific to Kerala !!
These three doshas form the constitution of an individual. When any one of these doshas exhibit an imbalance in an individual due to an unhealthy lifestyle, diet, or too much mental or physical strain, disease sets in. Disease in short is caused by imbalance in the body constitution of an individual.
Ayurveda system of treatment rectifies these imbalances and helps an individual maintain and bring back a perfect balance of his body, mind and soul, thus assuring an individual a life free from every form of disease. A perfect harmony and balance of the body constitution, in short, guarantees perfect health. Ayurveda promotes such a healthy life style.
Athreya Ayurveda Resorts bring you the very best in ayurveda treatments including Panchakarma Treatments, Slimming Programs, Paralysis, Weight loss, Anti Ageing, Yoga & Meditation, Detoxification, Rejuvenation Therapies etc. The treatments meted out at our ayurveda resort conform to the basics mentioned in ancient ayurveda texts. Our ayurveda doctors are experts in ayuvedic treatments and have several years of dedicated service to boast of. Our special ayurveda packages including our monsoon ayurveda packages are specially designed to provide the ayurveda treatments of the highest quality. The increasing numbers of patients who opt for our ayurveda treatments is a tribute to the high quality of service that Athreya ayurveda resort off
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