Friday, May 30, 2008
Realistic cure prospects for common diseases
Values of 180/100 mmHg are easily managed and cured whereas some patients with even 180 /120 too respond well.
Response to medication can be elicited by third day itself as under control even though another two weeks would be needed for sustained results.
Even malignant hypertension is also managed well with variable success rate.
Serum cholesterol levels till 300 can be brought to levels below 200 in a span of 2- 3 months.
Triglycerides till level of 300, VLDL till 60 ,LDL till 180 are curable by medications, exercise and dietary restrictions and modifications.
Post menopause patients do not respond well to medications.
Coconut oil is found to be increasing cholesterol levels as that is the medium of cooking in Kerala population. Changing to sesame oil or mustard oil is found to bring down cholesterol levels.
If the spinal canal diameter is normal and there is no major cord involvement its curable in 3 – 4 months duration of OPD level medicine & 2-3 weeks of IP level treatments.
If the gait is ataxic, in severe nerve root obstruction ,in marked neurological deficit, in central compression by the inter vertebral disc- poor prognosis is observed.
Many patients are able to avoid the cervical collar in a week’s time if subjected to a special technique of massage of neck region developed by Kerala physicians.
Mild to moderate cases are surely curable.
Many cases recommended for surgery also respond well to medications of 2-6 months and treatments for 2-3 weeks and get walking abilities and are able to avoid surgery .
Crepitus can be brought into control in this duration.
Patients who have approached before the onset of deformity have received complete cure.
Patients with obesity respond poorly to medicines and treatments.
Special bandages with herbal pastes and lubricating and nourishing natured herbal oil are found to enhance the joint stability very much.
Mild to moderate case curable , cases with osteopenia too respond very well with1-2 months of medication.
Patients with oestrogen deficiency with osteoporosis respond well , otherwise generally tough to manage.
Ayurvedic medications ,food and life style modifications and Yoga helps to enhance the quality of life of the patient and
the Allopathic medications are recommended to be continued as there appears to be no drug in Ayurveda that can replace Sorbitrate.
Following clinical entities respond very well with 60 -70 % cure by medication for about 6 months :-
Double vessel disease, triple vessel disease, unstable angina, ischemias, dilated cardiac myopathy.
Ejection fraction can be increased, TMT changes are much bettered in about 8 months duration.
The following entities are not manageable :-
Rhythm disorders, stable angina , atrial fibrillation, supra ventricular tachycardia.
Efficacy of medicine depends upon duration of disease and other factors.
Mild to moderate cases that are not more than 10 years old are curable. Children respond well to medicines. 3 months of medication is essential for lasting impact.
Its found very commonly that withdrawal of milk ,curd and paneer from the food menu of children helps to decrease the intensity of attacks of asthma and also in recovery from the disease.
For adults not fully curable in chronic cases .
Yoga & food modification is found to have very strong impact on possibilities of the cure .
Even application of head oil has positive as well as negative impact on the disease depending upon the selection of oil for head.
Very tough prognosis.
Medications for 4- 6 weeks provide cure with dietary modifications being very important. Very good response to medications is found with high success rate.
Treatment protocol and response to medicines vary with the cause.
Nutritional iron deficiency anemia resolves by 2- 3weeks medications.
Patients with Aplastic anemia, perinicious anemia, hemoglobinopathy, Thalassemia related anemia do not respond much to medications and show only symptomatic relief.
Anemia due to Acute lymphatic leukemia ,chronic myeloid leukemia respond well .Over a span of 3- 5 months of medication , they achieve very remarkable progress.
Anemia due to Idiopathic Thrombocytic purpura shows mixed response whereas Anemia in the Rheumatoid arthritis and chronic renal failure is rectified to normal value in one month.
Very much treatable and curable, some cases have effect whereas some show resistance.
Symptomatic relief in the first 5 days itself is obtained and substantial cure in the span of 10 days .
Presence of Klebsilla necessitates medicines for 3 -4 weeks for cure.
Even cases that need antibiotics injections respond very quickly in matter of 2 days.
UTI without diabetes and without hydronephrosis responds very well in 2-3 weeks time.
If urine albumin is +++ , UTI its difficult to cure.
Acute cases if mild respond very well in 1-2 weeks time.
Chronic (severe) cases need 1-2 months for recovery and the steroids can be tapered and finally stopped in 2-3 months duration but some patients do not respond well .
Here the albumin urea of +++ is the upper limit in which Ayurvedic medications are effective.
Children and sometimes adults manifest Nephrotic syndrome as a sequel of skin infections and an Ayurvedic physician takes great care in treating skin diseases to prevent any glomerulo nephritis setting in .
HYPOALBUMINUREA is well managed by steroids than Ayurveda medicines.
Some physicians have found cure for albumin urea of the values of even ++++.
Values of serum urea below 75 and serum creatinine below 3 are curable.
Some physicians have occasionally met with success even with serum creatinine level up to 5 and serum urea up to 100.
Generally children and adults below 30 yrs of age show very good response and recovery whereas Diabetes with renal failure is found to have poor prognosis & also in those above 40 yrs of age.
Duration of medicine intake – 2 to 3 months minimum, for chronic cases even one year of medication is necessary.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Realistic cure prospects for common diseases
Chronic cases are curable , approximately 20 days for some , for some 1- 3 months of medication ensures total cure.
Food patterns are very necessary to be modified for maximum results.
If alcohol induced – almost incurable.
Medications upto six months are required .
Early stage cases are responding well. Chronic cases do require longer duration medications.
Cases without severe oesophageal varices or ascitis respond very well to medications.
Exceptionally few number of cases even with ascitis have recovered from the situation completely but life span could not be prolonged to further two years.
Further complications can surely be avoided. Many have symptomatic relief for sure in the second week of starting medications.
Very rarely some patients have survived above 8 yrs.
Varied response, usually conservative management is prolonged.
Calculi up to 2-3 mm are manageable by 6 weeks medications. Most patients report pain relief in the initial 3 days itself and increased quality of life even though the calculi is visible in ultra sound scan.
Exceptionally some patients require 6 months of medications- they are the ones who were recommended surgery but could avoid surgery .
Acute cases are generally tough though treatable .
Chronic cases respond well by 4 weeks medication.
Diet restriction is of profound importance.
Some severe cases present with generalized oedema and are of poor prognosis .
Type 2 diabetes with values up to FBS 200 & PPBS level below 350 are manageable by medicine, exercise and selective food pattern recommended in Ayurveda.
Its almost impossible to help a insulin dependant patient to bring back to medications only scenario.
Complications ( almost all) of Diabetes mellitus can surely be prevented and cured. This is one very potential area for Ayurveda .
Patients with onset of diabetes within 3 yrs if put on medicines are able to avoid all the complications at multi system level for up to 15 years.
Cases of Diabetic nephropathy with serum creatinine levels up to 5 & serum urea up to 75 are manageable & any value above this needs dialysis.
Cases with TSH level up to 40 can be cured of symptoms in duration of 4-8 weeks medication .
Late onset ( above 40 yrs age ) hypothyroidism is found to respond better. Myxoedema is incurable.
Interestingly Hypothyroidism is found to mimic as Rheumatoid arthritis in many ladies above 40 yrs of age.
Some patients would present features of Hypo & hyper thyrodism on alternate fashion for many days. Generally response to medications is not much encouraging.
Total cure requires 4- 6 weeks.
Symptomatic relief is attained very profoundly in the first ten days itself.
Generally follow up is found to be difficult as many patients keep on changing doctors.
Generally a tough prognosis and initial stages only turn out to be curable.
Of the wide range of presentation in all stages of this, only 20 % are found curable, 35 % are manageable & remaining with severe deformity and sub luxation are of poor prognosis.
Patients with low hemoglobulin level( ie below 10),ESR above 80, severe deformity, severe early morning stiffness generally respond poorly.
75 – 80 % relief is achievable in 3 months medication and treatments.
Both OPD & IPD level management is absolutely essential. Monoarticular arthritis, ESR level below 80 are favourable factors.
Mild to moderate deformities can be bettered by various treatments and herbal paste bandages. It requires at least 2 months for results to be appreciatable.
Generally tough in chronic cases. Profound relief and increased quality of life is very much possible by OPD & IPD level management.
3 months are required for 90 % relief and that ensures the relapse to be avoided for over 2 years. Medications are required for as long as 8 months for some patients.
Good prognosis is found in cases without albumin urea and without epileptic seizures. Steroid can be tapered and avoided completely in a span of 4 – 8 weeks of starting medicines.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Realistic cure prospects for common diseass
The experiences I share regarding realistic cure of diseases are the ones I learned from my teachers (who are leading doctors of Ayurveda in the state of Kerala) & are mentioned below and also on respective sections further in different specialities.
The disease name followed by the approximate duration of profound relief / cure and the approximate success rate are mentioned along with limitations of the Ayurvedic treatment modalities.
This is a common learning lesson that myself Dr S. P.Sreejit , B.A.M.S., MD [Ayu] have learned over the past many years . I owe these info to the following teachers of mine
1. Dr. Sahadevan C.D , D.A.M – Thodupuzha Ph. +91-4862 - 228288,+91-9447020273 Iduki Dist.
2. Dr. K. Sankaran M.D. (Ayu), DAME - Kerala Ph. 0495 - 2482744 ,+91-9446334462
3. Dr. K. Padmanabhan. MD (Ayu.)Department of ISM – Wayanadu Ph. +91-4936 - 247766,
4. Dr. L. Mahadevan , MD (Ayu) – , , Kanyakumari Dist. Ph. +91-4652 - 282239.
1. IVDP – Inter vertebral disc prolapse -
Cases that are with mild to moderate cord compression are curable in 3 -6 weeks with sufficient rest and internal medications and external therapies.
If foot drop and bladder involvement present- tough prognosis .
In severe cord compression ,the patient can be surely provided very profound relief in symptoms and the quality of life can be enhanced in them even though repeat MRI scans do not display any structural improvement.
Many cases recommended for surgery have been cured and generally a bed rest of 25 days is required in many patients.
It is found that if the spinal canal diameter is less than 10 mm due to compression – surgery is better option and Ayurvedic treatments do not generally show any significant improvement.
Symptomatic relief is obtained in the first week of medications and Ayurvedic diet is recommended –
80 -90 % curable in a span of 30 -90 days if the instructions are well followed regarding food and life style.
If perforation of stomach wall is present , its not manageable generally.
Most cases do not show relapse for the next 18 months if the spicy ,sour ,untimely diet is restricted for about six months.
The hiatus hernia shows very marked symptomatic relief but prolonged medication often becomes necessary.
Medicines , therapies with food modification are inevitable along with exercise.
Some doctors opine that five kgs of body weight can be lost in two weeks whereas some have obtained even seven kgs body weight loss in the same span.
The results vary depending upon many factors . Ladies who are unmarried tend to lose weight much more quickly.
Obesity due to hypothyroidism is found to respond much better.
Response in 5 days .
But Dengue haemorrhagic fever is not manageable.
Bed rest is very important . Some cases respond in 3- 14 days span only.
7- 10 days makes almost cure – special care is observed to prevent orchitis and pancreatitis.
Full recovery is possible in 3 to 4 weeks in cases of superficial infection.
But its to be admitted that the management of the modern medicine in this is cheaper in cost and quicker .
Acute phase is curable in cases of serum bilirubin level even up to 21. Some cases of bilirubin 25 also have been cured.
Hepatitis A & C are totally curable in 1 -4 weeks duration but Hepatitis B takes up 3 to 9 weeks to be cured .
Carrier stage that is silent in nature and asymptomatic is generally very bad prognosis and very few patients become negative for HBSAg test.
Its possible to avoid the ulceration and granulation in liver that is induced by the hepatitis.
Dietary restriction is of profound importance . Patients who were recovering very well on exibhiting negligence to dietary instructions have severe flare-ups and occasionally fatal too.
Ideally one month rest is advisable.
Not generally encountered much in practice of Kerala and the case found are from neighbouring states or from military personnels returning from North East India .
2 -3 weeks medications ensure cure as the febrile episodes are generally prevented.
Oil is to be avoided from food.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Ayurveda - the complete introduction
Ayurveda - the Complete Medical Science
Ayurveda implies the science of life. It recommends the measures that have to be adopted in routine life style as well as the treatment procedures for diseases. It is a science with its base on the Tridosha principle. Doshas are the representation/generalisation of the biological functions of human body.Both health and disease are based on the balance or imbalance of these doshas.
These variations in the doshas are brought about by various factors of food and other regimen, environment, climate etc. Its a common day experience to find the role of food , food pattern in the formation or mitigation of ailment . How this can be elicited will be detailed further. It can be thought about to a good extent that we are what we eat . There are clear cut and vivid detailing of the remedial measures to bring vitiated dosha to normality / balance by Sodhana (purifying therapy) and samana (curative therapy).
The uniqueness of Ayurveda is Rasayana (Rejuvenation therapy) which aims at increasing the longevity of a person by improving the functions of the Saptadhatus (the seven structural units of the body). This has profound importance in immunity status enhancement of a person and also in the cure of severely ill patients generally incurable diseases. Kerala Ayurveda doctors specialise in this aspect .
The theoratical and practical framework of Ayurveda is wide enough to include all that is essential to make a man healthy and happy. It includes the study of right conduct (dharma), which is necessary for the healthy growth of society in which the man lives. Further it deals with the philosophical aspect of life, the knowledge of which contributes greatly to the comfort and happiness of all human beings. Ayurveda philosophically understands the limitation of human efforts. Still it talks about the means of prolonging life and the methods of invigorating it.
The objectives of Ayurveda are mainly two, the first being the maintenance of positive health -that is preventive healthcare and the other - treatment of diseases ie . cuartive healthcare. These clearly defined objectives are achieved through logically developed means in a classical way. On the basis of objectives defined, the sum and substance of Ayurveda can be classified into two parts -
i. Healthy man’s regimen - the science of positive health (svasthavrittam)
ii. Patient’s regimen (aturavrittam).
Healthy man’s regimen
The emphasis on the concept of positive health is a unique feature of Ayurveda. The radical shift that occurred in defining health, encourages the
Ayurveda recognizes that mind is very powerful both in the causation and cure of diseases. So, strict mental discipline and adherence to moral values are considered a pre-requisite for health. Therefore, ethical basis of life (sadvrttam) is described as an important health support system.
Regular or periodic use of rejuvenative therapy (rasayanachikitsa) also finds a place in the maintenance of positive health because of its therapeutic potentials to delay the process of ageing and also to improve quality of life.
In a nutshell, Ayurveda recommends socio-economic adjustments, modification of personal habits, protection against trauma, control of infection, control of pollution, and prophylatic medication for the maintenance of positive health.
Patient’s regimen
Patient’s regimen (aturavrttam) deals with the curative and palliative measures employed for the medical and emotional care of the patient. It includes definition of the disease, etiology, clinical picture, patho-physiology, prognosis and line of treatment consisting of drugs, diet and life style.
In patient’s regimen
The Ayurvedic approach to a patient and his cure is often termed as holistic. The Ayurvedic therapy is either palliative (samana) or purificatory (sodhana). The palliative approach stresses on the use of medicaments. The famous Panchakarma therapies and the supportive Kerala special therapies belong to the purificatory approach. In both cases, proper control of food and behavioural habits is a necessary component for achieving perfect cure.
A very important contribution by Kerala physicians is the continued practice and enrichment of the panchakarma therapy. Even when they became defunct in the rest of the country due to socio-political reasons, Kerala retained this therapeutic wealth in all its pristine essence. Texts were written here on its practical aspects. More importantly, the famous Kerala special therapies were evolved by the practitioners here. They are essentially preparatory in nature. Dhara, mukkippizhichil, navarakkizhi, etc are typical examples. As the practice of Ayurveda expanded in popular acceptance in the recent past, these treatment modalities have also become more prevalent.
There are several unique herbal formulations described in Kerala Ayurveda texts. Many of them have now received national level acclaim and they are included in the Ayurvedic Formulary of
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Real Ayurevda - the real curative powers
the branches of General medicine, Pediatrics , Psychiatry, ENT,Surgery,Toxicology,Aphrodisiac medicine & Rasayana chikitsa are practiced in full authority in Kerala.
Such is the impact of Ayurveda in Kerala that many people opt it as the first preference of medical discipline for their ailments to be cured.Even doctors from other medical disciplines approach Ayurveda doctors for professional help
This blog attempts to showcase to the world WHAT CAN AYURVEDA ACHIEVE & WHAT IT CAN NOT as a medical discipline ??
this is the presentation of clinical experiences myself - Dr. S.P. SREEJIT B.A.M.S, MD[Ayu] has learned from my respected teachers of clinical medicine .
For this ,I had travelled the whole length and breadth of Kerala spending high quality learning time from my teachers who are accepted by all in kerala as the best known specialists of different branches of AYURVEDA in Kerala.
The list of names of my clinical medicine teachers are mentioned in respective areas .
This attempt is made for the simple reason that people across the world have either ''over estimated or under estimated '' the real curative powers of Ayurveda , and for somebody who belongs to a traditional family of Ayurveda [ my generation is the fifth generation ] its matter of committment to work to create awareness.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Ayurveda is a science - medical aspects of human life are the major components of it.
Ayurveda in Kerala, as in the rest of India, originated over 5000 years ago. The Rig Veda,
the ancient book of wisdom specifically mentions the existence, acceptance and practice of Ayurveda treatments like the rejuvenation treatments, yoga therapy and panchakarma treatments in ancient India. The rulers of the day provided every support for popularizing these ayurveda treatments.
Ayurveda is a science of life that calls on every individual to live in perfect harmony with his natural environment. It is a holistic system that states that health of an individual is based on a perfect balance of three doshas, called the Tridoshas i.e. Vatta, Pita and Kapha. These doshas are nothing but generalisation of the different functions of the body so that the entire biological functions can be summarised into 3 broad categories. This theory has stood the test of time and still draws people around the world to India or be more specific to Kerala !!
These three doshas form the constitution of an individual. When any one of these doshas exhibit an imbalance in an individual due to an unhealthy lifestyle, diet, or too much mental or physical strain, disease sets in. Disease in short is caused by imbalance in the body constitution of an individual.
Ayurveda system of treatment rectifies these imbalances and helps an individual maintain and bring back a perfect balance of his body, mind and soul, thus assuring an individual a life free from every form of disease. A perfect harmony and balance of the body constitution, in short, guarantees perfect health. Ayurveda promotes such a healthy life style.
Athreya Ayurveda Resorts bring you the very best in ayurveda treatments including Panchakarma Treatments, Slimming Programs, Paralysis, Weight loss, Anti Ageing, Yoga & Meditation, Detoxification, Rejuvenation Therapies etc. The treatments meted out at our ayurveda resort conform to the basics mentioned in ancient ayurveda texts. Our ayurveda doctors are experts in ayuvedic treatments and have several years of dedicated service to boast of. Our special ayurveda packages including our monsoon ayurveda packages are specially designed to provide the ayurveda treatments of the highest quality. The increasing numbers of patients who opt for our ayurveda treatments is a tribute to the high quality of service that Athreya ayurveda resort off