Saturday, July 5, 2008

Realistic cure prospects for common diseases

Gynaecology & Obstetrics Practice in Kerala Ayurveda

This article is indebted to the most famous Ayurvedic Gynaecologist of Kerala.

Dr Syamala has been and still is a constant guide to many of doctors like me regarding the practice of gynaecology

Many of we doctors are grateful to her guidance in clinical practice.

Dr. B. Syamala. M.D. (Ay).PhD

Matha Amrithanandamayi Madom Ayurveda College
Karunagapally ,Kollam [dist.], Kerala, Ph : 0471 - 2329409, 9447498816


Fantastic remarkable cure for various Gynaecological diseases can be achieved through Ayurvedic system of medicine.

It can rectify conditions that seem to be incurable through Allopathic system. However, there is lack of awareness about the same. Majority of women approach modern medicine Doctors with the concept that they can get the best result with in a very short period.

Of course, Ayurvedic medicine may take some more time and may need patience but complete cure without recurrence is possible.

* The common Gynaecological diseases that can be cured through Ayurveda along with duration and type of management.

1. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding oral drugs - 3 months -
2. Fibroid uterus - <>) oral drugs - 3, 6 or 9 months.
Fibroid uterus > 5 c.m. - surgery.
4. Endometriosis : Oral drugs - 3,6,9 for 12 months - complete cure.
5. Adenomyosis : Oral drugs 6-9 months :
6. Leucorrhoea - Candidiasis - oral & local treatment, 7-10 days.
7. Trichomoniasis - ,, ,,
8. Uterine (cervical) polyp - polypectomy - Instant cure.
9. Cervical erosion - chemical cauterization - local - one application.
10. Menopausal syndrome - Oral drugs, therapies if needed - 3 months.
11. Dysmenorrhoea - oral drugs & therapies - complete cure.
12. Oligomenorrhoea & hypomenorrhoea - oral drugs - 3 - 6 months.
13. P.C.O.D - oral drugs - complete cure 6-9 months.
14. Infertility - oral drugs and therapies - time depends on cause.

Obstetrical care

Very good antenatal care is carried out throughout pregnancy without any adverse effects. This helps in preventing development of diseases as well as cure for the diseases that develop during pregnancy. The common discomforts of pregnancy as severe nausea, vomiting, gas trouble etc.

Threatened abortion - cured

Habitual abortion - prevented and cured with medicines and complete rest. Causes of it are detected prior to pregnancy as TORCH, ACA, AMA, ASA, cervical incompetence etc. & rectified.

Hyper emesis - mild to moderate - drugs.

Oedema - oral drugs & rest

Hypertension - oral drugs

Gestational Diabetes - Oral drugs - no adverse effects noticed yet.

Toxemia - mild - cured

Placenta previa - rectified by rest & drugs if detected early.

Backache & constipation - relieved.

Good delivery care is performed with purely Ayurvedic drugs (Allopathic drugs used only in emergencies) by expert Ayurvedic gynaecologists in maternity hospitals throughout the country. Normal deliveries, forceps and ventouse (assisted labours) are conducted by Ayurvedic doctors. Those who need Caesarean section are referred to Allopathic hospitals except in some hospitals.

Special post natal care is given including specific regimen and massage that is a specialty of Kerala. Its unfortunate to note that many dependents of the serving personnel rely on private hospitals for such services.

1 comment:

Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements said...

Really ayurvedic treatment is very good to the health and it has no side effects.Ashwagandha root extract