Friday, May 30, 2008

Realistic cure prospects for common diseases


Values of 180/100 mmHg are easily managed and cured whereas some patients with even 180 /120 too respond well.

Response to medication can be elicited by third day itself as under control even though another two weeks would be needed for sustained results.

Even malignant hypertension is also managed well with variable success rate.


Serum cholesterol levels till 300 can be brought to levels below 200 in a span of 2- 3 months.

Triglycerides till level of 300, VLDL till 60 ,LDL till 180 are curable by medications, exercise and dietary restrictions and modifications.

Post menopause patients do not respond well to medications.

Coconut oil is found to be increasing cholesterol levels as that is the medium of cooking in Kerala population. Changing to sesame oil or mustard oil is found to bring down cholesterol levels.


If the spinal canal diameter is normal and there is no major cord involvement its curable in 3 – 4 months duration of OPD level medicine & 2-3 weeks of IP level treatments.

If the gait is ataxic, in severe nerve root obstruction ,in marked neurological deficit, in central compression by the inter vertebral disc- poor prognosis is observed.

Many patients are able to avoid the cervical collar in a week’s time if subjected to a special technique of massage of neck region developed by Kerala physicians.


Mild to moderate cases are surely curable.

Many cases recommended for surgery also respond well to medications of 2-6 months and treatments for 2-3 weeks and get walking abilities and are able to avoid surgery .

Crepitus can be brought into control in this duration.

Patients who have approached before the onset of deformity have received complete cure.

Patients with obesity respond poorly to medicines and treatments.

Special bandages with herbal pastes and lubricating and nourishing natured herbal oil are found to enhance the joint stability very much.


Mild to moderate case curable , cases with osteopenia too respond very well with1-2 months of medication.

Patients with oestrogen deficiency with osteoporosis respond well , otherwise generally tough to manage.


Ayurvedic medications ,food and life style modifications and Yoga helps to enhance the quality of life of the patient and
the Allopathic medications are recommended to be continued as there appears to be no drug in Ayurveda that can replace Sorbitrate.

Following clinical entities respond very well with 60 -70 % cure by medication for about 6 months :-

Double vessel disease, triple vessel disease, unstable angina, ischemias, dilated cardiac myopathy.

Ejection fraction can be increased, TMT changes are much bettered in about 8 months duration.

The following entities are not manageable :-
Rhythm disorders, stable angina , atrial fibrillation, supra ventricular tachycardia.


Efficacy of medicine depends upon duration of disease and other factors.

Mild to moderate cases that are not more than 10 years old are curable. Children respond well to medicines. 3 months of medication is essential for lasting impact.

Its found very commonly that withdrawal of milk ,curd and paneer from the food menu of children helps to decrease the intensity of attacks of asthma and also in recovery from the disease.

For adults not fully curable in chronic cases .

Yoga & food modification is found to have very strong impact on possibilities of the cure .

Even application of head oil has positive as well as negative impact on the disease depending upon the selection of oil for head.


Very tough prognosis.


Medications for 4- 6 weeks provide cure with dietary modifications being very important. Very good response to medications is found with high success rate.


Treatment protocol and response to medicines vary with the cause.

Nutritional iron deficiency anemia resolves by 2- 3weeks medications.

Patients with Aplastic anemia, perinicious anemia, hemoglobinopathy, Thalassemia related anemia do not respond much to medications and show only symptomatic relief.

Anemia due to Acute lymphatic leukemia ,chronic myeloid leukemia respond well .Over a span of 3- 5 months of medication , they achieve very remarkable progress.

Anemia due to Idiopathic Thrombocytic purpura shows mixed response whereas Anemia in the Rheumatoid arthritis and chronic renal failure is rectified to normal value in one month.


Very much treatable and curable, some cases have effect whereas some show resistance.

Symptomatic relief in the first 5 days itself is obtained and substantial cure in the span of 10 days .

Presence of Klebsilla necessitates medicines for 3 -4 weeks for cure.

Even cases that need antibiotics injections respond very quickly in matter of 2 days.

UTI without diabetes and without hydronephrosis responds very well in 2-3 weeks time.
If urine albumin is +++ , UTI its difficult to cure.


Acute cases if mild respond very well in 1-2 weeks time.

Chronic (severe) cases need 1-2 months for recovery and the steroids can be tapered and finally stopped in 2-3 months duration but some patients do not respond well .

Here the albumin urea of +++ is the upper limit in which Ayurvedic medications are effective.

Children and sometimes adults manifest Nephrotic syndrome as a sequel of skin infections and an Ayurvedic physician takes great care in treating skin diseases to prevent any glomerulo nephritis setting in .

HYPOALBUMINUREA is well managed by steroids than Ayurveda medicines.

Some physicians have found cure for albumin urea of the values of even ++++.


Values of serum urea below 75 and serum creatinine below 3 are curable.

Some physicians have occasionally met with success even with serum creatinine level up to 5 and serum urea up to 100.

Generally children and adults below 30 yrs of age show very good response and recovery whereas Diabetes with renal failure is found to have poor prognosis & also in those above 40 yrs of age.

Duration of medicine intake – 2 to 3 months minimum, for chronic cases even one year of medication is necessary.

1 comment:

Admin said...

Please tell me how a serum creatinine of 3.0 and urea of 80 can be treated. I am suffering from nephritis. mail me at